Star Trek: The Farthest Star Wikia

The T-Rogoran was a species native to the Gamma Quadrant.

By the 24th century they had been spacefaring for centuries and had conquered several of their less advanced neighbours.[1]

By 2360s their society was considered by the Dominion to have peaked and be sliding into decay. The predictions were that within a century those they oppressed would take advantage of this and tear the T-Rogoran's civilisation down from within.

In 2369, the Dominion started operations aimed towards invading T-Rogoran space despite the distance it was from Dominion territory. As part of this they planned to use the Iorath system as a link between their territory and the T-Rogorans.[2]

By mid-2370, the Dominion had conquered the T-Rogorans.[1]


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